Search results - 6 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

characterization had only been achieved in a handful of studies, and had not been proven possible when more than one strain of the same species were present. Moreover, the genome obtained from metagenomics sequences ...

Shotgun metagenomics as a ONE Health tool for better protecting human health

food-borne outbreak that occurred in Belgium in 2019. Discussion: By applying the shotgun metagenomics approach to specific case studies, we delivered proof-of-concepts and demonstrated its added value ...

Comparative study of seven commercial kits for human DNA extraction from urine samples suitable for DNA biomarker-based public health studies.

biomarkers as a result of the simple and noninvasive collection method. These studies, involving many samples, require a rapid, easy, and standardized extraction protocol. Moreover, for practicability, there ...

A non-invasive intranasal inoculation technique using isoflurane anesthesia to infect the brain of mice with rabies virus.

often described poorly and the effects of variations in the technique on the outcome are unknown. Standardization of protocols is key to compare studies and minimize animal use. The clinical and ...

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