Last updated on 25-3-2024 by Lee Mbambu Maswaku
Test description
Norovirus sequencing
Purpose of the test
Sequencing of the two border regions of open reading frames (ORF) 1 and 2, a recombination hotspot in the norovirus genome.
The objective is to detect variants that may be associated with differences in pathogenicity, as well as to record outbreaks.
Criteria for carrying out this test as part of the activities
Performed only on PCR-positive norovirus samples:
- In the context of a gastroenteritis epidemic and when the samples analysed give a negative bacterial culture. A maximum of 5 samples are analysed per household.
- Surveillance
Instructions for samples
Type of samples:
- stool (min 1 g)
- vomit (min 1 ml)
- RNA extract (min 20 µl)
Storage conditions:
- Cool 2-8°C (maximum 14 days)
- RNA extract < -17°C
Transport conditions
- Room temperature (maximum 18 days)
- RNA extract ←17°C
- Transport time should be as short as possible
- Shipment in a hermetically sealed container in packs of 2.
Attach a purchase order if the NRC is to supply the transport medium/containers.
Unacceptable requests
- Inappropriate or insufficient sample
- Inappropriate transport or storage conditions
- Incompletely completed request form
Turnaround time (depending on frequency of analysis)
The actual turnaround time depends on the number of samples received and the urgency.
Communication of results
Norovirus test results are sent by post or e-mail. If, on receipt of the sample, it is found to be so damaged that further analysis is not possible, the applicant will be contacted.
Pathogen info
Is the analysis accredited?
ISO 15189
Turnaround time and time slots
Turnaround time:
60 days
Request forms
URL to form(s):
Service in charge of the analysis
Contact person(s)
Bavo Verhaegen, DVM, PhDScientific collaborator
Contact email
Analysis categories