Last updated on 21-11-2024 by Amber Van Laer
Test description
Determination of the ribosomal protein profile of isolated colonies from a fresh subculture by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and analysis to determine genus and species by comparison with a database.
Purpose of the assay
To determine or confirm the identification of the genus and species of all Vibrio strains sent to the NRC.
Criteria for performing this test in the context of reference activities
- Each Vibrio strain isolated from a patient with symptoms of Vibrio cholerae infection.
- Any Vibrio strain isolated from a patient with symptoms of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection.
- Any suspected or identified Vibrio cholerae strain sent for confirmation.
- Any Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio non-cholerae sent for genus identification/confirmation.
- Any strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from different samples during a suspected epidemic and sent after contact with the NRC.
Instructions for samples
Starting culture of Vibrio strain from a fresh and pure subculture on a nutrient agar medium and sent either on agar plate, deeply and mass inoculated in a nutrient agar tube, or on a swab in transport medium after scraping a subculture.
Instructions for transport
The strain should be sent on the appropriate transport medium (agar plate, agar tube or swab with transport medium) and correctly labelled.
- Transport in triple packaging:
- agar plates and tubes hermetically tightly closed;
- packaging with adsorbent material in secondary packaging (Transport case in blister pack, containers, etc.);
- the whole in a protective (padded) envelope or box.
- As soon as possible at room temperature, within 72 hours of preparation.
- Labeling and transport conditions in accordance with infectious agent regulations.
- For each strain, the application form (download on the NRC website of Sciensano) should be completed as fully as possible and sent with the strain.
Unacceptable requests
The following criteria are used to not accept the sample for analysis:
- unidentified sample
- application form incompletely completed,
- obvious conditions for storage and transport not applied.
Turn around time (and frequency of analysis)
- Frequency-of analysis: on application.
- Time for identification: 48 hours.
- Days of analysis: every working day from Monday to Friday.
Reporting of test results
- How: reporting by telephone (1), paper by post (2) or electronically (3).
- When: if (even partial) relevant results of analyses are known (telephone, e-mail: 1 or 3), if all results of analyses are known (written report 2 or 3)
Is the analysis accredited?
Materials and methods
Method reference:
Turnaround time and time slots
Turnaround time:
2 days
Request forms
URL to form(s):
Analysis categories