Last updated on 14-2-2019 by Brecht Devleesschauwer
Given the need for disease burden estimates to guide decision-making processes within the health sector and the limitations of the available burden estimates, Sciensano leads the Belgian National Burden of Disease Study (BeBOD), which provides a coherent framework for routinely quantifying the burden of disease in Belgium using the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) metric.
To achieve this aim and to ensure uptake of the resulting disease burden estimates, the BeBOD project works on:
- Developing capacity on the calculation of DALYs, e.g. through the organisation of DALY calculation workshops
- Initiation, support and harmonisation of DALY estimation initiatives
- Interaction with local stakeholders to enhance support, understanding, and use of the disease burden estimates
- Interaction with national burden of disease studies in other countries and with related international activities (such as the WHO/EURO European Burden of Disease Network).