Other projects with this keyword
- DistantButClose [ DBC ]
- Belgians debate the COVID-19 vaccination [ Coronaconsultaties ]
- Influenza-like illness (including COVID-19) sentinel surveillance in Belgian nursing homes [ ILI-NH ]
- VALidation of SARS-CORona Virus-2 assays (VALCOR) [ VALCOR ]
- Epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 mortality [ COVID-19 Mortality ]
- Beyond-COVID [ BY-COVID ]
- National wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance [ CoVWWSurv ]
- Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on mental health of Health caRe wOrkErS in Belgium [ BE-HEROES ]
- Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies and collaboration [ RESISTIRÉ ]
- Healthcare-associated infections in long-term care facilities [ NSIH-LTCF ]