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Dr. Karin De Ridder DrPH
Scientific Director Epidemiology and public health
Karin De Ridder obtained the degree of PhD Community Health at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2014. The doctoral thesis focused on advanced epidemiologic methods within the field of social epidemiology and longitudinal register based research: “Adolescent health and the risk of school dropout and labour market exclusion in young adulthood: A prospective family study of the Young-HUNT1 cohort”. Her basic training is in medicine (Medical Doctor, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, 2000), supplemented by a doctor-specialisation in Community Health (Norway, 2008). She has been working for WIV/Sciensano, among others as Head of Service Lifestyle and chronic diseases and Project Manager of the Food Consumption Survey 2014.
She is also member of several Boards, like the Belgian Association of Public Health, Cancer Registry.