Search results - 3 results

Agglomeration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo

composed of small or large agglomerates with similar dispersion medium composition. For in vitro testing, human bronchial epithelial (HBE), colon epithelial (Caco2) and monocytic (THP-1) cell lines were ...

Is aggregated synthetic amorphous silica toxicologically relevant?

size distributions. Their effect on cell metabolic activity, cell viability, epithelial barrier integrity, total glutathione content and, IL-8 and IL-6 secretion were investigated after 24 h exposure in ...

Multivalent binding of herpesvirus to living cells is tightly regulated during infection.

the cell surface. While multiple parallel interactions would allow strong virus attachment, a low number of bonds could be preferred to allow lateral diffusion toward specific receptors and to promote ...

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