Search results - 13 results

In Silico Methods for Chromosome Damage.

prediction tools for chromosome damage is applied on a dataset of pharmaceuticals. Examples of the different outcomes obtained with the in silico battery are provided and briefly discussed. Furthermore, ...

Residential Exposure to Urban Trees and Medication Sales for Mood Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease in Brussels, Belgium: An Ecological Study

men, β=0.281β=0.281 (95% CI: 0.243, 0.319)] and with 20–24% higher cardiovascular medication sales [women, β=0.202β=0.202 (95% CI: 0.169, 0.236); men, β=0.240β=0.240 (95% CI: 0.206, 0.273)]. Discussion: We found a trade-off ...

Exploring how the urban neighborhood environment influences mental well-being using walking interviews

environment and mental well-being. Finally, implications of the walking interview method are discussed. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Risques ...

Opinion: Airtightness for Decontamination by Fumigation of High-Containment Laboratories

airtightness. Starting from a previous study in which we measured the airtightness in 4 BSL-3 laboratories with blower-door tests, we discuss the connection between airtightness and a successful decontamination ...

Genome Editing in Agriculture: Methods, Applications, and Governance—A paper in the series on The Need for Agricultural Innovation to Sustainably Feed the World by 2050

conduct, as well as a discussion of factors that affect governance, including comparison with other approaches to genetic modification, environmental and animal welfare impacts of specific applications, ...

The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks.

perspectives was a direct output from discussions at the end of some sessions, in particular: — A network on transdisciplinary One Health education. — A network integrating inputs from social sciences in One ...

Slurry photocatalytic membrane reactor technology for removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater: Towards cytostatic drug elimination

than the ones observed with slurry PMR s. Therefore the reasons why slurry PMR s may be considered as the next generation technology will be discussed in this work together with the limitations related ...

Biosafety considerations for attenuated measles virus vectors used in virotherapy and vaccination.

for human health and the environment. The present article highlights the main characteristics of MV and recombinant MV vectors used for vaccination and virotherapy and discusses these features from ...

Agronomic Practices for Improving Gentle Remediation of Trace Element-Contaminated Soils.

pest and weed control and irrigation management. Potentially negative effects of GRO, e.g., the introduction of potentially invasive species, are also discussed. Lessons learnt from long-term European ...

Environmental risk assessment of clinical trials involving modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-based vectors.

reconversion, recombination and dissemination in the population and the environment are the main points of attention. Measures to prevent or manage identified risks are also discussed. Full text language:  ...

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