Search results - 5 results

Giving Beekeeping Guidance by Computational-Assisted Decision Making

open source BEEP system comprised of a monitoring device and the already functional user-friendly application for digital beekeeping logbooks. The ultimate goal is to supply beekeepers with ...

Salmonella biofilm formation in chronic carrier pigs: impact on gut colonization & antibiotic tolerance; functional diagnostics; and potential as target for non-antibiotic therapy

analysis ? In the shorter term, this aims to allow farmers to better estimate the risk and optimize the biosecurity management and anti- Salmonella measures on the farm. In the longer term, this will open ...

Orienter l’apiculture par une prise de décisions assistée par ordinateur

paramètres de santé  ; prêterons attention au patrimoine génétique des abeilles.  La plateforme de B- GOOD recourt au système open source BEEP et contribue à le développer. Celui-ci se compose d’un dispositif ...

Belgian Handbook for Oncological Supportive Care

(hemato-)oncological patients was identified. Currently there are no registrations open. Keep an eye out on the website for future thematic working groups sessions, or contact us through the button bellow. Summary of ...

Belgian Hospitals – Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption

project there, or watch the tutorial video. Once your account has been created, you can login on Healthstat with your electronic identity card or Itsme to open the reports. Detailed instructions on how to ...

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