Surveillance of infectious diseases in children | PediSurv

Last updated on 1-10-2024 by Ilse Peeters

Participating physicians receive a monthly reminder email to perform case registrations or a zero notification. Currently, 6 diseases are monitored in PediSurv: measles, mumps, rubella, acute flaccid paralysis (including polio), invasive pneumococcal infections and, since 01/06/2022, severe cases of whooping cough in hospitalised children <3 years of age.

General information and publications related to the network
(Publications by disease can be found on the respective Sciensano-health topic page)


Do you want to participate in the pediatric surveillance “PediSurv”?
Register in Dutchor French 
We will contact you within the week for further practical information. 

More information

Consult the pages in Dutch or French

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