Résultats de la recherche - 1562 results

Hazard characterization and risk assessment of mineral oils: Case study with information obtained in Belgian MinOil study

Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Full text language:  English Category:  C31 FOS Classification:  1.4 ...

Dietary exposure assessment of the Belgian population to mineral oil

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Annelies Van Heyst; Els Van Hoeck Source: 8th International Fresenius Conference on Residues of food contact materials in ...

Paediatric haemolytic uraemic syndrome related to Shiga toxin-producing, an overview of 10 years of surveillance in France, 2007 to 2016.

confirmation.ResultsOver the study period, the paediatric HUS incidence rate (IR) was 1.0 per 100,000 children-years, with a median of 116 cases/year. In 2011, IR peaked at 1.3 per 100,000 children-years, and decreased to ...

Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 2 on Triage, Treatment and Follow-up.

Karsten; Schneider, Achim; Kaufmann, Andreas; Petry, K Ulrich; Axel P A Schäfer; Pawlita, Michael; Weis, Joachim; Mehnert, Anja; Fehr, Mathias; Grimm, Christoph; Reich, Olaf; M. Arbyn; Kleijnen, Jos; ...

Development of a QuEChERS-Based UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Six Alternaria Toxins in Grapes

mycotoxin (37.5%), with a concentration range of 0.10–1.64 μg kg−1, followed by TeA (28.6%) and AOH (26.8%). ALT (10.7%), AME (3.6%), and ALS (5.4%) were also detected in some samples. To the best of our ...

Towards the use of ion mobility mass spectrometry derived collision cross section as a screening approach for unambiguous identification of targeted pesticides in food

Conclusions The screening approach proposed in this study is unconventional and based on large mass accuracy (20ppm) and retention time windows (0.5min) to capture, in a first step, a maximum of detected ...

Profiling of the beneficial and potentially harmful components of Trichodesma indicum seed and seed oil obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction

present study. The T. indicum seeds were rich in oil (29.0%), phenolic compounds (PC s, 1881.2 mg/100 g) and pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA s, 2,702,338 ng/g). Seven PC s were identified in T. indicum seeds by ...

Contribution of chronic diseases to educational disparity in disability in France: results from the cross-sectional “disability-health” survey

disability prevalence were arthritis (contribution to disability prevalence: 5.7% (95% CI 5.4–6.0) for low-educated vs. 3.3% (3.0–3.9) for high-educated men), spine disorders (back/neck pain, deformity) (3.8% ...

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