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dioxide-life pcb

Résultats de la recherche - 12 results

Importance of REP values when comparing the CALUX bioassay results with chemoanalyses results Example with spiked vegetable oils.

dioxin like PCB compounds (CALUX TEQ values are lower than WHO TEQ values) than for the dioxin compounds (CALUX TEQ values are higher than WHO TEQ values). The CALUX results were compared with the ...

The international validation of bio- and chemical-analytical screening methods for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs: the DIFFERENCE project rounds 1 and 2

Number 1182, p.1169- 1182 (2004) Keywords: ALL alternative an analysis AS Clean up Development Dioxin Dioxin-like PCB Dioxins European Interlaboratory comparison International IS method Method validation ...

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