Résultats de la recherche - 1641 results

Time series modelling for wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19: A nationwide study in 40 wastewater treatment plants of Belgium, February 2021 to June 2022

needs validation. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Coronavirus Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Coronavirus Coronavirus Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies ...

Release of silver and titanium from face masks traded for the general population.

Nanomaterials Nanomaterialen Nanomatériaux Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en nanomaterialen Trace elements and nanomaterials Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Towards Less Plastic in Food Contact Materials: An In-Depth Overview of the Belgian Market.

highlighting priorities for safety assessment and future policy making. Service:  Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé Chemische en fysische gezondheidsrisico's Chemical and physical health risks ...

Uncovering the Quality Deficiencies with Potentially Harmful Effects in Substandard and Falsified PDE-5 Inhibitors Seized by Belgian Controlling Agencies

of medical laboratories Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et produits de santé- Qualité des laboratoires médicaux Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en ...

Whole-Genome Sequence Approach and Phylogenomic Stratification Improve the Association Analysis of Mutations With Patient Data in Influenza Surveillance

Nancy Roosens Source: Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 13 (2022) Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversale activiteiten in toegepaste genomica Transversal activities in ...

Data collection in pandemic times: the case of the Belgian COVID-19 health surveys

are needed. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information ...

Uncovering the Quality Deficiencies with Potentially Harmful Effects in Substandard and Falsified PDE-5 Inhibitors Seized by Belgian Controlling Agencies

pathogenic bacteria, which could result in a gastrointestinal illness upon oral intake. Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products ...

Cardiotoxicity of chemicals: Current regulatory guidelines, knowledge gaps, and needs.

environmental exposure Hazardous Substances Humans Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en ...

Novel prediction models for genotoxicity based on biomarker genes in human HepaRG™ cells.

towards a more human-relevant in vitro genotoxicity testing strategy without the use of experimental animals. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  ...

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