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Résultats de la recherche - 124 results

Detection and Molecular Characterization of Foot and Mouth Disease Viruses from Outbreaks in Some States of Northern Nigeria 2013-2015.

gap of FMDV dynamics in Nigeria and West Africa subregion to support local and regional development of vaccination-based control plans and international risk assessment. Health Topics:  Animal health ...

Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s

decomposed into the main causes of death. Results Regional health gaps are observed within each EL, with ASMR s in Brussels and Wallonia exceeding those of Flanders by about 50% in males and 40% in females ...

Epidemiology, Impact and Control of Rabies in Nepal: A Systematic Review

health authorities is limited at present, further complicating rabies control in Nepal. Important research gaps include the reporting biases for both human and animal rabies, the ecology of stray dog ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in disability in the older population in Brazil, 2013.

disability in the older population in Brazil should take into account the gender gap in the occurrence of chronic conditions, focusing on the main contributors to the disability burden. Health Topics:  Health ...

One Health research and training and government support for One Health in South Asia.

to describe OH research and training and capacity building activities and the important developments in government support for OH in these countries to identify current achievements and gaps. MATERIALS ...

Detection of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in milk and honey on the Belgian market using UHPLC-MS/MS.

contaminants and evaluate if they can pose a health problem, hampering a data gap at Belgium’s level. Diverse cases of human poisoning are documented and are mainly related to consumption of traditional herbal ...

Next-generation sequencing workflows in veterinary infection biology: towards validation and quality assurance.

analysis have revolutionised research in many areas of biology and medicine, including veterinary infection biology. New technology is poised to bridge the gap between the research and diagnostic laboratory. ...

HPV testing in the context of post-treatment follow up (test of cure).

knowledge gaps and areas for further research. RESULTS: HPV testing is sensitive for the detection of residual or recurrent disease post treatment for CIN2 + and is more sensitive than cytology alone. ...

Pertussis vaccination during pregnancy in Vietnam: Results of a randomized controlled trial Pertussis vaccination during pregnancy.

antibodies induced by vaccination during pregnancy close the susceptibility gap for pertussis in young infants. Limited interference with the infant vaccine responses was observed. Whether this interference ...

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