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Résultats de la recherche - 377 results

Comparison of SNP-based subtyping workflows for bacterial isolates using WGS data, applied to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:.

including five isolates from a confirmed outbreak and three isolates obtained from the same patient at different time points. The analysis was carried out using the original (high-coverage) and a down-sampled ...

Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry

resulting in elevated As concentrations in FS with ingredients of marine origin, such as fish oil, krill oil or algae. Since human health risks are not related to the total As concentration but are species ...

Complete coding sequence of a novel picorna-like virus in a blackbird infected with Usutu virus.

specific for ORF1 confirmed the presence of high levels of this novel virus in the original sample. Nucleotide composition analysis suggests that blackbird arilivirus is of dietary (plant) origin. Health ...

zDALY: An adjusted indicator to estimate the burden of zoonotic diseases.

used by the World Health Organization and the Global Burden of Disease studies. Many human diseases are of animal origin and often cause ill health and production losses in domestic animals. The economic ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

cgMLST trees of only FQ-R and FQ-S isolates showed that isolates from the same country of origin were distributed into multiple clusters similarly to the trees combining FQ-R and FQ-S isolates. The ...

The effect of enteral tube feeding in cystic fibrosis: A registry based study.

original curve before the decline, but remained below the controls. Starting ETF had no effect on rate of height gain in children. The pre-index FEV1 decline (-1.52%/year (p = 0.002)) stabilized to ...

Complete Genome Sequences of Five Foot-and-Mouth Disease Viruses of Serotype A Isolated from Cattle in Nigeria between 2013 and 2015.

originate from outbreaks in northern Nigeria in 2013 to 2015 and belong to the A/ AFRICA /G- IV  lineage. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

A cluster of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients arriving in Europe from the Horn of Africa: a molecular epidemiological study.

and Control. FINDINGS: Between Feb 12, 2016, and April 19, 2017, 29 patients were diagnosed with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in seven European countries. All originated from the Horn of Africa or Sudan, ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone‐resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon; Cristina Garcia-Graells; N Botteldoorn; Katelijne Dierick; Isabelle Kempf; Satu Olkkola; Mirko Rossi; Suvi Nykäsenoja; Malorny, Burkhard; Kerstin Stingl; Antonio Batti ...

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