Résultats de la recherche - 426 results

Accuracy of HPV E6/E7 oncoprotein tests to detect high-grade cervical lesions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

biomarkers usable in managing screen-positive women. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis assessing the accuracy of HPV- E6 / E7-oncoprotein tests to detect underlying cervical-precancer ...

Improve the management of cancer-related cognitive impairment in clinical settings: a European Delphi study.

recommendations were developed based on a literature review and authors’ clinical experience, split into three categories: screening, cognitive assessment, intervention. The survey included European professionals, ...

The Belgian physiotherapy reimbursement criteria for fall prevention fails in screening appropriately fall-prone community-dwelling older adults

appropriate to reflect on the current screening approach for preventive initiatives. The objective of this study was to determine whether the multifactorial algorithm proposed by Lusardi et al. (2017) exhibits ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

increased risk of HPV infection, exclusively conducted among circumcised men, and based on urine or semen samples. We screened identified reports and extracted summary-level data from those that were ...

Intra- and interlaboratory reproducibility of the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay.

Results Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: The implementation of cervical screening based on human papillomavirus (HPV) continues to progress rapidly across countries. Evidence has shown that assays ...

Evaluation of a point-of-care test for the diagnosis of Taenia solium neurocysticercosis in rural southern Tanzania: a diagnostic accuracy study.

This test could be considered to support policies on screening patients with suspected neurocysticercosis in clinical settings, which would allow appropriate referral for neuroimaging and ...

Whole-Genome Sequencing-Based Screening of MRSA in Patients and Healthcare Workers in Public Hospitals in Benin.

In this study, patients and healthcare workers (HCW s) from six public hospitals in Benin were screened for MRSA. Strains were identified as MRSA using conventional microbiological methods in Benin, ...

Towards Less Plastic in Food Contact Materials: An In-Depth Overview of the Belgian Market.

environmentally friendly and websites describing homemade FCM s. The first screening identified 10,523 articles. The following data cleaning process resulted in a homogeneous dataset containing 2688 unique entries, ...

Direct impact of COVID-19 by estimating disability-adjusted life years at national level in France in 2020

post-acute consequences, in 28 days (baseline) up to 140 days, following the initial infection. METHODS: National mortality, COVID-19 screening, and hospital admission data were used to calculate DALY s based ...

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