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Résultats de la recherche - 642 results

An assessment of implementation gaps and priority recommendations on food environment policies: the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) in Japan

regulations to restrict food marketing, sales and accessibility of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages is needed to improve the health of food environments in Japan. Health Topics:  Food consumption and ...

Hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children- epidemiological overview of cases reported in Europe, 1 January to 16 June 2022.

longer observed when looking at this association separately between the UK and other countries. Aetiological studies are needed to ascertain if adenovirus plays a role in this possible emergence of ...

Modeling the migration of chemicals from food contact materials to food: The MERLIN-expo/VERMEER toolbox.

simulations showed a good match between predicted and experimental values. The tested models can be used to provide insights in the amount and the type of toxicological data that are needed for the safety ...

Evaluation of the types, efficient use and health risks of application of silver-based biocides to provide antimicrobial properties to face masks applied during the Covid-19 crisis

a more refined risk evaluation. The amount of silver in the four masks that contain Ag0 NP, Ag+ ions, and/or non-nanoparticulate silver exceeded the AEL mask. Per case an in depth risk analysis needs to be ...

Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A

maternal green space exposure. Future research is needed to understand better how these epigenetic changes are related to functional modifications in the placenta and the consequent implications for ...

Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices

in BoD studies that consisted of secondary data analysis of GBD study findings. Ambiguity in reporting the use of NCD-specific BoD methods underlines the need for reporting guidelines of BoD studies to ...

A scoping review of burden of disease studies estimating disability-adjusted life years due to Taenia solium.

This review illustrates the complexities associated with T. solium burden of disease studies and highlights the potential need for a burden of disease reporting framework. The burden of T. solium is ...

Resilient health systems: harnessing health information to improve population health

pandemic and support efforts to strengthen health systems in Europe. A common denominator is health information; the data and information that is needed to monitor the health of patients as well as the ...

Whole-Genome Sequence Approach and Phylogenomic Stratification Improve the Association Analysis of Mutations With Patient Data in Influenza Surveillance.

to verify whether observed associations in the Belgium A (H3N2) samples, could be extrapolated to a global level. This work highlights the need to construct international databases with both ...

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