Résultats de la recherche - 108 results

Direct impact of COVID-19 by estimating disability-adjusted life years at national level in France in 2020

post-acute consequences, in 28 days (baseline) up to 140 days, following the initial infection. METHODS: National mortality, COVID-19 screening, and hospital admission data were used to calculate DALY s based ...

Were SARS-CoV-2 self-tests used for their intended purpose? The experience in Belgium.

self-testing their place in the test strategy was evaluated. METHODS: We assessed trends in the number of self-tests sold, the number of positive self-tests reported, the proportion sold self-tests/total tests, ...

Social inequalities and long-term health impact of COVID-19 in Belgium: protocol of the HELICON population data linkage

pandemic. However, the interoperability and the reuse of different data sources may pose a number of technical, administrative and data security challenges. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This protocol aims to provide ...

COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: methods, participation and recommendations of a longitudinal cross-border study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Christina Stabourlos; C J A van Bilsen; S Brinkhues; C P B Moonen; Stefaan Demarest; D A T Hanssen; I H M van Loo; P H M Savelkoul; D Philippsen; B A M van der Zanden; N H T M Dukers-Muijrers; C ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

a documented COVID-19 infection) factors associated with the first and second booster uptake. Methods We used individually-linked data from the Belgian COVID-19 vaccine registry and the COVID-19 test database to ...

A new data collection system for Epilabo: the network of sentinel laboratories

experiences of COVID-19 and the Belgian sentinel network of laboratories (Epilabo), established in 1983. Methods Individual test results are transferred in bulk from the data infrastructure of the clinical ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among fully vaccinated adults in Belgium

demographic (age, region of residence and sex) and COVID-19 related (having had a documented COVID-19 infection) factors associated with the first and second booster uptake. Methods We used individually-linked ...

Targeted Chromosomal Barcoding Establishes Direct Genotype-Phenotype Associations for Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium abscessus.

antibiotic resistance phenotype. To establish a direct genotype-phenotype relationship of this mutation which results in a Asp-to-Ala change at position 29 (D29A), we developed a recombineering-based method ...

Identification of Mycobacterium abscessus Subspecies by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning.

M. abscessus subsp., M. abscessus subsp., and M. abscessus subsp.. Due to their different antibiotic susceptibility pattern, a rapid and accurate identification method is necessary for their ...

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