Ensuring compliance with quality standards through audits
We are responsible for organising internal and external audits at Sciensano.
We organize various internal audits at regular intervals to ensure that all procedures in force at Sciensano are scrupulously respected and that we meet all the requirements imposed on us:
- internal audits of the quality management system
- internal audits of the environmental management system
- environmental compliance audits
- Biosafety internal audits
- inspections relating to animal welfare
- prevention visits.
Our mission is also to support all divisions and staff during external audits.
Want to know more?
As part of our mission, our main activities are:
- Establish an annual schedule of internal audits
- Perform internal audits
- Organise and coordinate the different external audits
- Provide support to the divisions during external audits
- Help the divisions identify and implement corrective actions and necessary improvements in the wake of internal and external audits
- Check the effectiveness of corrective actions and improvements implemented.
The following quality and environmental standards are in force within Sciensano: ISO 15189, 17025, 17043 and 14001. Through internal audits, we ensure that all the divisions comply with the imposed quality and environmental standards, in order to secure the accuracy of the results of our analyses and the reliability of the opinions or conclusions we formulate.
Internal audits also serve as preparation for obtaining the various certificates of accreditation. A large part of Sciensano’s activities is covered by accreditation.