Total Ig detection of HCV virus by Immunoblot

Last updated on 7-1-2025 by Anonymous (not verified)

Please fill in entirely the request form from the NRC for all analysis requests. You can download it below.



Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)

Assay description

LOINC Code : 34162-8

Details : Immunoblot performed with a commercial kit : INNO-LIA HCV Score Kit (Fujirebio – 80538).

Results : 

Qualitative on basis of the detection pattern (positive/negative/undetermined).

In case of an undetermined result, the collection and the shipment of a second sample is recommended.

The result is based on the detection pattern of antibodies against HCV antigen. A result is considered as positive if at least two HCV antigens reacts. It is considered as negative if no band is obtained or if one band has a weak intensity except if NS3 (undetermined result in this case).

Accreditation : 

Accredited assay.

ISO 15189 | Quality and competence in medical laboratories

Aim of the assay 

Detection of antibodies against E2 , NS3, NS4A, NS4B et NS5A antigen of HCV detection by immunoblot.

Confirmation of anti-HCV antibodies in the serum of a patient with a negative PCR.


This assay is performed only for confirmation purpose in case of a positive serology and a negative PCR. The requesting lab must mention their results on the request form.

Instructions related to sample

Type : Serum

Conservatory and shipment conditions : 

Conservation at 4°C before shipment.

Shipment at ambient temperature as soon as possible in a hermetic three layer package.

Requested quantities :

Preferred : 1 ml.

Minimal requirements : 0,5 ml.

Rejected request

No request form or incomplete request form.

Sample with insufficient volume.

No positive serology and negative PCR performed prior to the request and for which results are not mentioned on the request form.

Turnaround time

TAT : 10 opening days


An analysis report can be sent by regular mail, e-mail, fax ou eHealth Box for each analysis request.


Pathogen info

Hepatitis C virus


Is the analysis accredited?

Materials and methods

Method reference: 
SOP 13/3/13/N

Turnaround time and time slots

Turnaround time: 
10 days

Service in charge of the analysis

Contact person(s)

Contact email

Analysis categories


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