The omnipresence of electrical appliances in everyday life is cause for concern. To date, no scientific study has been able to demonstrate harmful effects due to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Some studies have revealed statistical correlations, without, however, being able to explain the link between cause and effect. If in doubt, apply the precautionary principle.
A few reference figures for electromagnetic fields
- On average, we are exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields between 0.05 and 0.1 µT.
- The magnetic field value under 380 kV high voltage lines generally does not exceed 4 µT and decreases rapidly with distance (Elia).
- Starting from 100 µT there are unquestionable effects (flashing lights, uncontrolled muscle movements).
- 100 µT: reference value of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field (BBEMG).
- 5 kV/m: reference value of exposure to the electric field (BBEMG).
- In Belgium, mobile phone antennas are regulated between 3 to 6V/m. The ICNIRP recommends a limit of 42 V/m (900 MHz).
- The earth's magnetic field varies between 35 and 75 µT, the magnetic field of an MRI varies between 1.5 and 3T.