
RSV, the “respiratory syncytial virus”, is the virus at the origin of a very common respiratory infection in infants; however, it can occur at any age.

How can an RSV infection be prevented?

RSV is a common and very contagious virus; however, by complying with a few basic rules of hygiene between October and March, you can reduce the risk of infection:

  • regular washing of hands
  • use of disposable paper handkerchiefs (the virus survives for several hours on objects)
  • covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

 Specific preventative measures for parents

Preventative measures are particularly important for parents in order to reduce the risk of infection in infants: 

  • always wash your hands before touching your baby 
  • if you have a cold or fever avoid kissing your baby 
  • limit contacts between your baby and people with contagious illnesses
  • avoid bringing you baby into confined and crowded spaces (child-care centres, shops, public transport etc.)
  • clean your house and the children’s toys to get rid of germs
  • aerate the baby’s room every day. 

RSV vaccines are being developed, but at present they are not available for use yet.

Although breastfeeding provides protection against a great number of viral infections, its effect has not been clearly proved with regard to RSV infections. 

If you think your baby may have a severe RSV infection, consult your doctor.

Vaccination and immunisation

Until summer 2023, only passive immunisation with specific monoclonal antibodies (Palivizumab, Synagis®) was available on the Belgian market for the prevention of RSV infections in high-risk patients. This immunisation is associated with high costs, as it involves monthly intramuscular injections for five months. 

In August 2023, Arexvy® , the first RSV vaccine for patients over 60 with at least one risk factor for severe RSV disease, was launched in Belgium.

In 2024, in Belgium, new prevention strategies are expected to combat RSV infections and hospitalisations:

- a vaccine (Abrysvo®): available since January 2024 in Belgium, it is indicated for people over 60 and pregnant women. Through maternal vaccination, this vaccine aims to protect infants from RSV infection from birth to 6 months.

- a new monoclonal antibody (Nirsevimab, Beyfortus®) to be injected into very young children during their first year of life. This new antibody should be available on the Belgian market from early October 2024.

The choice of monoclonal antibody (Nirsevimab, Beyfortus®) is the prevention strategy recommended by the Belgian government for the 2024-2025 winter season.

More information in Dutch or in French 

Limits of prevention

An RSV infection is difficult to prevent because the infection is very contagious and resembles a cold.

DID YOU KNOW? The RSV virus is sensitive to numerous disinfectants and detergents and to heating to over 55°C. 


Sciensano centralises and analyses all data provided by the different partners (network of sentinel laboratories and the National Reference Centre) and in this way is able to follow up the evolution of RSV infections.

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