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Dr. ir. Franck Limonier MSc


Franck Limonier graduated in 2013 from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) as a bio-engineer in chemistry and bioindustries.

He started in 2013 at WIV-ISP (the predecessor of Sciensano) as a doctoral candidate in the Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products department (partnership with the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universiteit Gent (UGent)).

Since 2017, he is scientist on the Platform chromatography and mass spectrometry and is in charge of the orientation of samples at risk, as well as support for the development of mass spectrometry screening methods.

Since 2019, he is coordinating the CBRN activities at Sciensano and he is also representing Sciensano at the CBRNe Expertise Centre of the Crisis Centre.

He is also leading the participation of Belgium to the Joint Action TERROR of the European Commission.

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Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14
1050 Elsene

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