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ir. Philippe Szternfeld MSc
Scientific Collaborator
Philippe Szternfeld works as Scientific collaborator in the pesticides and contaminants unit of the service Organic contaminants & Additives at Sciensano.
After a obtaining master degree in Bio-engineering specialised in chemistry & bio-industries, he worked at Coca Cola Enterprise for a short mission in the quality control department. Afterwards, he followed a specialised training on chromatographic techniques.
He started at the WIV-ISP-IPH (the predecessor of Sciensano) in 2013 as Scientific Collaborator in the pesticides and contaminants unit. He is involved in the development and validation of analytical methods for the quantification of processing contaminants and pesticides in various food matrices. Few years later he ensured the co-management of the National reference Laboratories for pesticides and processing contaminants (in collaboration with the University of Liege) in food. In 2018, he started a PhD thesis on the exposition of the Belgian population to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) via the food consumption.
His field of expertise is focussed on the quantification of pesticides residues, processing contaminants (PAHs, Acrylamide) in food matrices (fruits & vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, cereals) via LC-MSMS, GC-MSMS and HPLC-UV/FLD techniques.