In short
Non-communicable (= non-infectious and non-transmissible) diseases, such as chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases or cancers, are a leading cause of preventable sickness and death. They significantly affect the wellbeing of individuals and may be responsible for 70% of deaths worldwide according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Toxicological and epidemiological research has highlighted associations between these diseases and exposure to various hazardous substances in the environment in which people live and work. Sciensano therefore takes part in DiMoPEx, which supports the (challenging) identification of clear causal determinants and underlying mechanisms.
Project description
DiMoPEx is a COST action supported by the EU. It aims to “develop an interdisciplinary collaborative network, providing new insight into emerging issues of morbidity and mortality from exposure-related health outcomes”.
The network brings together European clinicians and scientists from various fields and promotes interdisciplinary research on the role of environmental exposure in the initiation and progression of non-communicable diseases. To do so, the network fosters the development of joint research projects, the exchange of knowledge and capacity building through workshops, conferences and trainings.
In the long term, DiMoPEx will contribute at European level to a better prevention of diseases due to environmental exposure.