In short
Frailty is a state of increase vulnerability among older people. It can be considered as a situation in which the reserve capacity of a person is diminished, as a result of which small disturbances can lead to important health problems. As part of the Third EU Health Programme 2014-2020, the European Joint Action ADVANTAGE aims to build a common understanding on frailty. The final output will be a common European model to tackle frailty and indicate what should be prioritized in the next years at European, National and Regional level.
Project description
In this project 35 entities within 22 member states work together to attain two major objectives:
- Summarise the current State of the Art for the different components of frailty and its management, both at individual and population level
- Collect information on the development of programs to manage frailty in older adults in the EU.
The main outcome of the project will be to propose a common European model to approach frailty. This includes the development of a road map that will propose interventions for frail and at risk people and establish tailored milestones for each member state in order to achieve a comprehensive approach to promote a disability-free advanced age in Europe. Furthermore, it is aimed to identify gaps if knowledge for further research.
The content of this project is subdivided in five specific work packages (WP):
- Knowing frailty at individual level
- Knowing frailty at population level
- Managing frailty at individual level
- Models of care to prevent and delay frailty
- Extending and expanding knowledge of frailty.
Sciensano is mainly involved in the second WP, which is led by the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG). Through literature reviews, expert panels and a survey among stakeholders, the aim of this WP is to:
- identify the current and projected (where available) prevalence of frailty at a population level in the 22 participating MSs
- identify current practice in relation to the screening, surveillance (ongoing, systematic process for the collection, analysis and interpretation of data) and monitoring (observing for changes in the health status of a population) of frailty at a population level
- report on existing data describing frailty trajectories or transitions between different frailty states (e.g. pre-frail, frail, disability) particularly in community-dwelling older people, i.e. in a primary care setting.