Apolipoprotein concentrations in obese subjects with upper and lower body fat mass distribution27

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



In order to assess the relationship between obesity and serum lipids, a homogenous group of adult men and premenopausal women is assessed for body mass index, body fat distribution reflected by the waist/hip ratio (WHR), serum lipid parameters and apolipoproteins. Body fat distribution is distinguished in an abdominal and gluteal-femoral type using a cut-off point of 1.00 for the ratio of waist-to-hips girth for men. In women the cut-off value is considered as 0.80 but was also evaluated when considered as 0.85. In the next step tertiles for WHR are created to show a graded relationship bet…

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