Last updated on 28-11-2023 by Elena Debock
Public Access
Delphine Kemlin; Nicolas Gemander; Stéphanie Depickère; Véronique Olislagers; Daphnée Georges; Alexandra Waegemans; Pieter Pannus; Anne Lemy; Maria Goossens; I Desombere; Johan Michiels; Marylène Vandevenne; Heyndrickx, Leo; Ariën, Kevin K; André Matagne; Margaret E. Ackerman; Le Moine, Alain; Arnaud MarchantMots-clés
As solid organ transplant recipients are at high risk of severe COVID-19 and respond poorly to primary SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination, they have been prioritized for booster vaccination. However, an immunological correlate of protection has not been identified in this vulnerable population. We conducted a prospective monocentric cohort study of 65 kidney transplant recipients who received 3 doses of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. Associations among breakthrough infection (BTI), vaccine responses, and patient characteristics were explored in 54 patients. Symptomatic COVID-19 was diagnosed in 32% of kid…