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Filtres: Auteur is Stefaan Demarest
Anxiety and depression in people with post-COVID condition: a Belgian population-based cohort study three months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, Stéphanie, D’Hondt, Gisle Lydia, De Pauw Robby, Van Cauteren Dieter, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Cornelissen Laura, De Ridder Karin, Charafeddine Rana, and Smith Pierre , Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2027, (2024)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH, Drieskens, Sabine, Duveau Camille, Hermans Lize, and Nélis Gwendoline , 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH - FR, Drieskens, Sabine, Duveau Camille, Hermans Lize, and Nélis Gwendoline , 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°4 - BELHEALTH - NL, Drieskens, Sabine, Duveau Camille, Hermans Lize, and Nélis Gwendoline , 15/03/2024, Brussels, p.13, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH, Duveau, Camille, Hermans Lize, Gisle Lydia, Charafeddine Rana, and Demarest Stefaan , 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.11, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH - FR, Duveau, Camille, Hermans Lize, Gisle Lydia, Charafeddine Rana, and Demarest Stefaan , 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.12, (2024)
Bulletin n°5 - BELHEALTH - NL, Duveau, Camille, Hermans Lize, Gisle Lydia, Charafeddine Rana, and Demarest Stefaan , 19/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.11, (2024)
Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health related outcomes in the Belgian adult population?, Finaba, Berete, Gisle Lydia, Demarest Stefaan, Rana Charafeddine, Bruyère Olivier, Stephan Van den Brouck, and Johan Van der Heyden , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
Rising socioeconomic disparities in childhood overweight and obesity in Belgium, Sabine, Drieskens, Rana Charafeddine, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Robby De Pauw, and Demarest Stefaan , Archives of Public Health, July 2024, Volume 82, Issue 1, (2024)
Association between SARS-CoV-2 variants and post COVID-19 condition: findings from a longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population, Khanh, Huyen Nguyen Thi, Cornelissen Laura, Castanares-Zapatero Diego, De Pauw Robby, Van Cauteren Dieter, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Devleesschauwer Brecht, De Ridder Karin, Charafeddine Rana, et al. , BMC Infect Dis, 2023 Nov 08, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2023)
Bulletin n° 1 - BELHEALTH - FR, Nélis, Gwendoline, Bruggeman Helena, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n° 1 - BELHEALTH - NL, Bruggeman, Helena, Nélis Gwendoline, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n°1 - BELHEALTH, Nélis, Gwendoline, Bruggeman Helena, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n°3 - BELHEALTH, Bruggeman, Helena, and Nélis Gwendoline , 26/10/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n°3 - BELHEALTH - FR, Nélis, Gwendoline, and Bruggeman Helena , 26/10/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n°3 - BELHEALTH - NL, Bruggeman, Helena, and Nélis Gwendoline , 26/10/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Classification of post COVID-19 condition symptoms: a longitudinal study in the Belgian population, Nayani, Sarah, Castanares-Zapatero Diego, De Pauw Robby, Van Cauteren Dieter, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Cornelissen Laura, Devleesschauwer Brecht, De Ridder Karin, Charafeddine Rana, et al. , BMJ Open, Jun-10-2023, Volume 13, Issue 10, (2023)
COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: methods, participation and recommendations of a longitudinal cross-border study, Stabourlos, Christina, van Bilsen C J. A., Brinkhues S, Moonen C P. B., Demarest Stefaan, Hanssen D A. T., van Loo I H. M., Savelkoul P H. M., Philippsen D, van der Zanden B A. M., et al. , Arch Public Health, 2023 May 13, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: methods, participation and recommendations of a longitudinal cross-border study, Stabourlos, Christina, van Bilsen C. J. A., Brinkhues S., Moonen B. C. P., Demarest Stefaan, Hanssen D. A. T., van Loo I. H. M., Savelkoul P. H. M., Philippsen D., van der Zanden B. A. M., et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2023, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Data collection in pandemic times: the case of the Belgian COVID-19 health surveys, Braekman, Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Berete Finaba, Bruggeman Helena, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Van der Heyden Johan, and Demarest Stefaan , Archives of Public Health, 04/07/2023, Issue 81:124, (2023)
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium, Berete, Finaba, Demarest Stefaan, Charafeddine Rana, De Ridder Karin, Van Oyen Herman, Van Hoof Wannes, Bruyère Olivier, and Van der Heyden Johan , Arch Public Health, 2023 Nov 15, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
The overweight epidemic increasingly hits children of lower educated parents in Belgium, Drieskens, Sabine, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Charafeddine Rana, and Demarest Stefaan , European Public Health conference, 10/11/2023, Dublin, Ireland, (2023)
Post COVID-19 condition and health-related quality of life: a longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population, Smith, Pierre, De Pauw Robby, Van Cauteren Dieter, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Cornelissen Laura, Devleesschauwer Brecht, De Ridder Karin, and Charafeddine Rana , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2023, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2023)
Self-uniqueness beliefs and adherence to recommended precautions. A 5-wave longitudinal COVID-19 study, De Witte, Dries, Delporte Margaux, Molenberghs Geert, Verbeke Geert, Demarest Stefaan, and Hoorens Vera , Soc Sci Med, 2023 Jan, Volume 317, (2023)

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