Résultats de la recherche - 5 results

First Belgian Report of Ertapenem Resistance in an ST11 Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strain Isolated from a Dog Carrying blaSCO-1 and blaDHA-1 Combined with Permeability Defects

multidrug-resistant (MDR)  K. pneumoniae   ST11 carrying  blaSCO-1  and  blaDHA-1, isolated from a four-month-old dog in Belgium. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of the isolate, performed via broth ...

Review on current scientific literature and overview of commercially available methods for on-site DNA isolation

Michelacci; Francesca Marotta; Marco Di Domenico; Giuliano Garofolo; Michael Brouwer Source: OpenAIRE, Zenodo, p.15 (2021) Accession Number: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4724557 URL: ...

Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium.

Sequencing (WGS) (n=4) methods were used to characterize samples/strains during 2009-2019. Three MLVA clusters (A, B, C) subdivided in 23 subclusters (A1- A12, B1- B8, C1- C3) and 3 SNP types (SNP1, SNP2, ...

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