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Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a multivalent herpesvirus vectored vaccine against H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza in chicken.

shedding along with reduced viral genome load in the upper respiratory tract and reduced cloacal shedding compared to unvaccinated controls. Health Topics:  Avian influenza Aviaire influenza Influenza ...

Protection conferred by an H5 DNA vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza in chickens: The effect of vaccination schedules.

sensitive areas could be a complementary measure to the disease control strategies already applied. In this study, the efficacy of a novel DNA vaccine, encoding a H5 gene (A/gyrfalcon/Washington/41088-6/2014 ...

Combined Phylogeographic Analyses and Epidemiologic Contact Tracing to Characterize Atypically Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H3N1) Epidemic, Belgium, 2019.

strongly correlated with the phylogeographic pattern of the epidemic. We detected only a limited association between wind direction and direction of viral lineage dispersal. Our results highlight the ...

Study of the underlying mechanisms and consequences of pathogenicity differences between two in vitro selected G1-H9N2 clones originating from a single isolate.

Influenza in Birds Poultry Diseases Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Sequence Analysis, DNA Viral Plaque Assay virulence Virus Shedding Abstract: The G1- H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) has caused ...

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