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Résultats de la recherche - 11 results

Activity-Based Detection and Bioanalytical Confirmation of a Fatal Carfentanil Intoxication.

en gezondheid in kaart brengen Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Manuscript ...

Healthy all life long- brochure on Sciensano's activities

Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Health and environment Quality of healthcare ...

Comparison of SNP-based subtyping workflows for bacterial isolates using WGS data, applied to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:.

PLoS One, Volume 13, Issue 2 (2018) Keywords: bacterial phylogeny; food-borne; genes; NGS; WGS; computational biology/bioinformatics; disease outbreaks; outbreak; performance evaluation; pipeline; ...

Medical Emergencies Related to Ethanol and Illicit Drugs at an Annual, Nocturnal, Indoor, Electronic Dance Music Event

Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Restricted Access ...

Ethnicity impacts the cystic fibrosis diagnosis: A note of caution.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bosch, Barbara; Bilton, Diana; Sosnay, Patrick; Raraigh, Karen S; Mak, Denise Y F; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Gulmans, Vincent; Muriel Thomas; Cuppens, Harry; Amaral, Margarida; De Boeck, Kris Source: J ...

Clinical action measures improve the reliability of feedback on quality of care in diabetes centres: a retrospective cohort study.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Astrid Lavens; Kris Doggen; Chantal Mathieu; Frank Nobels; Evy Vandemeulebroucke; Michel Vandenbroucke; Ann Verhaegen; Viviane Van Casteren Source: BMC Health Serv Res, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.424 ...

Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cunningham, S G; Carinci, F; Brillante, M; Leese, G P; McAlpine, R R; Azzopardi, J; Beck, P; Bratina, N; Bocquet, V; Kris Doggen; Jarosz-Chobot, P K; Jecht, M; Lindblad, U; Moulton, T; Metelko, Ž ...

Scientific report WIV-ISP 2014-2015

environment Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Quality of healthcare Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Santé et ...

Activiteitenrapport WIV 2013-2014

and environment Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Quality of healthcare Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories ...

Rapport d'activités ISP 2013-2014

Topics:  Health and environment Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Quality of healthcare Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical ...

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