Résultats de la recherche - 8 results

Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolates after exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a retrospective case–control study

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 75, Issue 7 (2020) Keywords: antibiotics Belgium Escherichia coli Fluoroquinolones Nitrofurantoin Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Combination urine specimens ...

First detection of a plasmid located carbapenem resistant blaVIM-1 gene in E. coli isolated from meat products at retail in Belgium in 2015

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cristina Garcia-Graells; Bas Berbers; Bavo Verhaegen; Kevin Vanneste; Marchal, Kathleen; Nancy Roosens; N Botteldoorn; Sigrid C.J. De Keersmaecker Source: International Journal of Food Microbiolo ...

Time trend of prevalence and susceptibility to nitrofurantoin of urinary MDR Escherichia coli from outpatients

the prevalence of urinary MDR Escherichia coli in Belgian outpatients (2005 versus 2011-12), the antibiotic susceptibility of urinary MDR E. coli, and the time trend of non-susceptibility to ...

Antimicrobiële resistentie bij commensale E. coli, Campylobacter spp. en Salmonella spp. geïsoleerd uit gevogelte karkassen en vlees, runds- en varkensvlees in 2016, Verslag 2016

Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors: Cristina Garcia-Graells; Marie Polet; Florence Crombé; N Botteldoorn Source: year report, wiv-isp, p.24 (2017) Accession Number: D/2017/2505/21 Health Topics:  Campylobacter Salmonellosis ...

Characteristics of the antibiotic regimen that affect antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens

A generalized estimating equations (GEE) model was constructed using 7397 Escherichia coli (E. coli) isolates. Results Resistance in E. coli was higher when more antibiotics had been prescribed before isolation ...

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