Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

Development of novel analytical methods to trace small micro- and nanoplastics in food matrices

a diameter smaller 1 µm, called nanoplastics (NP s) that could be found in food matrices and environmental samples, by means of specific measurement techniques. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop ...

Report on initial findings of on-site diagnostic tests and IT solutions for human clinical, veterinary and environmental samples for early warning of emerging resistant pathogens

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Manal AbuOun; Indre Navickaite; Thomas I. Wilkes; Marco Di Domenico; Giuliano Garofolo; Bram Bloemen; Mathieu Gand; Nancy Roosens; Kevin Vanneste; Sigrid C.J. De Kee ...

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