Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Development of a data-intensive centralized system for surveillance and outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens using whole-genome sequencing

characterization of genetically modified organisms, and real-time tracking of pathogen evolution. For some of these projects, pathogen-specific end-to-end isolate characterization workflows were also made available ...

Clinical Evolution and Disease Burden of Cystic Fibrosis Patients after Newborn Screening and Clinical Diagnosis

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Noelia Rodriguez Mier; Simeon Wanyama; Géraldine Daneau; Proesmans, Marijke Source: KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (2020) Keywords: Cystic Fibrosis mucoviscidose Neonatal Screening Health Topics:  Cystic fibrosis Cystis ...

The ageing population: in-vivo study on the effect of age on cardiovascular physiology

to compare the data of both rounds for a given age range. Results: The evolution in longitudinal (round 2) IMT data was shown to be higher than expected, based on cross-sectional (round 1) data (p < ...

Exploring the added value of Whole Genome Sequencing in routine and pandemic viral surveillance

Therefore, by developing an analytical sequencing strategy that identifies and measures all circulating variants in a sample, a good global picture of the epidemiological spread and evolution of circulating ...

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