Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

Association, Berlin (2022) Keywords: improving population health preparedness Strengthening health systems Abstract: In recent years, there have been increasing instances of cross-border crises, including ...

Activity-Based Detection and Bioanalytical Confirmation of a Fatal Carfentanil Intoxication.

of the most potent opioids known, has recently been reported as a contaminant in street heroin in the United States and Europe, and is associated with an increased number of life-threatening emergency ...

Ethnicity impacts the cystic fibrosis diagnosis: A note of caution.

pillars. These findings have implications for clinical practice in the increasingly ethnically diverse Western population. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de ...

Clinical action measures improve the reliability of feedback on quality of care in diabetes centres: a retrospective cohort study.

TM, 60-70 % of the patients received good care. This percentage increased significantly using the CAM (+5 %, p < 0.001). At the centre level, the CAM was associated with a higher median score, and ...

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