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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Livestock veterinarians at high risk of acquiring methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398.

(all Danish MRSA isolates belonged to the LA- MRSA genotype). All LA- MRSA isolates were resistant to tetracycline and 53·4% (7/13) showed a multi-resistant phenotype. LA- MRSA was significantly ...

Trends in production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae of clinical interest: results of a nationwide survey in Belgian hospitals.

production was confirmed by phenotypic and genotypic tests. MIC s of 13 antimicrobial agents were determined by Etest. ESBL-encoding genes were identified by PCR sequencing and the bla(CTX-M) environment was ...

Fatal meningitis in a calf caused by Mannheimia varigena.

reaction Abstract: Mannheimia varigena was identified as the etiologic agent of meningitis in a young Belgian White Blue heifer calf. Species identification of the bacterium was done by phenotyping and ...

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