Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

Molecular surveillance of anti-malarial drug resistance in Democratic Republic of Congo: high variability of chloroquinoresistance and lack of amodiaquinoresistance.

Mutation Plasmodium falciparum Polymorphism, Genetic Prospective Studies Protozoan Proteins Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: The loss of chloroquine (CQ) effectiveness has led to its withdrawal from ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

different phylogenetic methods, ranging from single nucleotide polymorphisms analysis to gene-by-gene approaches such as rMLST, cgMLST, wgMLST and core genome tree, provided concordant results, but it is not ...

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