Résultats de la recherche - 2 results

The influence of inter- and intraspecies variability of potatoes on the formation of acrylamide during frying

Demeulemeester,K.; Calus,A.; Ooghe,W.; Carlos Van Peteghem Source: Voedselchemie in Vlaanderen V. Trends in levensmiddelenanalyse, NA, Issue KVCV, NA (2005) Keywords: Acrylamide Frying ON Potato trend trends ...

Acrylamide formation during frying of potatoes: thorough investigation on the influence of crop and process variables

ON Potato PROCESSES Science symposium variables Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Acrylamide Acrylamide Acrylamide ...

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