Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Beheer van biologisch besmet afval afkomstig van activiteiten van ingeperkt gebruik van genetisch gemodificeerde en/of pathogene organismen: Richtlijnen en aanbevelingen.

opgenomen in de adviezen van de SBB over de bioveiligheidsdossiers en in de toelatingen verleend door de gewesten. De aanbevelingen die in dit document worden geformuleerd, vervangen geenszins de specifieke ...

Field trials with GM trees: a step-by-step approach

PROCESSES Research risk Risk Assessment SAFETY SBB scale stepwise The Netherlands time Transgenic transgenic tree trees Abstract: Field trials are an important step in the experimental research with and ...

Airtightness in Belgian high biocontainment facilities

Use & Deliberate release of GMO s (EEP2011) about the current situation on airtightness in highcontainment facilities throughout Europe, the Biosafety and Biotechnology Unit (SBB) of the Belgian ...

Bio-incident notification as a tool to enhance biosafety

risk Risk Assessment SBB survey training Waste WIV-ISP worker Workers Abstract: To gain insight into possible underlying causes of laboratory-acquired infections (LAI s), the Biosafety and Biotechnology ...

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