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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Knowledge, perceptions and practices related to mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses: survey in Belgium, 2022

to guide future health promotion activities. Methods In this cross-sectional study, we conducted an online survey among adults recruited via social media (One Health PACT ’s MosquitoWise survey using ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

a human, economic and social crisis, impacting people, societies and economies at their core. The European Commission has recently funded many projects (in the Horizon 2020 program, H2020) to work on ...

Healthy Data, an online citizen consultation about health data reuse – intermediate report

important to be conscious of this power and to respect the rights of the people behind the data. The citizens identified fundamental individual and social aspects in health data. On the one hand, citizens ...

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