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Résultats de la recherche - 8 results

Evaluating the health and health economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed cancer care in Belgium: A Markov model study protocol

Analysis COVID-19 Delivery of Health Care Humans Markov Chains Models, Economic Neoplasms Pandemics Quality-Adjusted Life Years Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cancer causes a substantial burden to our society, both ...

PRECISION: the Belgian molecular profiling program of metastatic cancer for clinical decision and treatment assignment.

J De Grève Source: ESMO Open, Volume 7, Issue 4 (2022) Keywords: Belgium Genomics Humans Medical Oncology Neoplasms Precision Medicine Abstract: PRECISION is an initiative from the Belgian Society of ...

The European response to the WHO call cervical cancer as a public health problem

delegates of scientific professional societies and cancer organisations endorse the principles of the WHO call to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem, also in Europe. All European nations ...

The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics

Governance Online deliberative platform Public participation Abstract: Introduction Genomics is increasingly being implemented in the society. To fully realise this implementation, citizens should be consulted ...

Tackling cervical cancer in Europe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

a large group of experts from diverse professional societies and cancer organisations supporting WHO ’s call to eliminate cervical cancer, proposed a series of concerted actions to implement organised ...

Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 2 on Triage, Treatment and Follow-up.

cervical cancer in Germany. METHODS With the financial support of German Cancer Aid, 21 professional societies developed evidence-based statements and recommendations (classified using the GRADE system) for ...

Final report: MY DNA, EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS? Qualitative analysis of the belgian citizen forum on the use of genomic information

society and formulate recommendations for the Minister of Public Health and all stakeholders of this field. The statement “My DNA is my property because it is the most intimate part of an individual” is an ...

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