Résultats de la recherche - 7 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

chosen for further studies (i.e. 24 hours enrichment as stated in the current international standard procedure, classical commercial DNA extraction and no amplification). Cheese samples were spiked with ...

Flanders and Brussels join forces to tackle animal testing

refinement, replacement,” Weyts stated. As part of the project, the coordinators of the RE-Place project, Sciensano and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, developed an online tool that has already collected 170 ...


present in a wide range of products such as consumer products, cosmetics, and toys. However, they are not regulated in every industry to the same extent. The General Products Safety Directive (GPSD) states ...

Incidentie van en risicofactoren voor urineweginfecties bij geïnstitutionaliseerde en niet-geïnstitutionaliseerde ouderen

zijn leeftijd, geslacht, incontinentie voor stoelgang en/of urine, aanwezigheid van een urinaire katheter, afhankelijkheid (Katz A, B, C of Cd), cognitieve stoornissen (dementie of Mini Mental State ...

On state-of-the-art high biocontainment facilities in Belgium2772

Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Chuong Dai Do Thi; Bernadette Van Vaerenbergh; Verheust,C.; Philippe Herman Source: Scientific Institute of Public Health, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number ...

Transitions and trajectories in frailty states over time: a systematic review of the European Joint Action ADVANTAGE.

trajectories or transitions between different stages of frailty. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted, selecting studies reporting frailty trajectories or transition states for adults in any settings in ...

Demo: identification and measurement of nano-sized particles in a food products using a remote controlled analytical TEM (Talos, Thermo Fisher Scientific)

TEM-specimen preparation and in the application of the ParticleSizer software for the analysis of TEM  images. The analytical capacities of state-of-the-art methodologies to implement guidance and legislation ...

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