Résultats de la recherche - 211 results

Ethical approval for controlled human infectious model clinical trial protocols- A workshop report.

state the rationale for the challenge compared to alternative study designs. EC s need to have clear guidance and procedures for evaluating social value and assessing third-party risks. Among other ...

Predicting COVID-19 progression in hospitalized patients in Belgium from a multi-state model

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Elly Mertens; Ben Serrien; Mathil Vandromme; José L. Peñalvo Source: Frontiers in Medicine, Volume 9 (2022) Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://sciensano.be/en/10.3389/fmed.2022.1027674 File:  Ve ...

A proposal for further developing fatigue-related post COVID-19 health states for burden of disease studies

less severe health states that may be more difficult to measure but are occurring very frequently. Our proposed approach provides a means to better understand the scale of challenge from long COVID, for ...

Expanding citizen engagement in the secondary use of health data: an opportunity for national health data access bodies to realise the intentions of the European Health Data Space

secondary use, the EHDS legislative proposal (published on 3 May 2022) argues that Member States should develop Health Data Access Bodies (HDAB s) whose responsibilities include facilitating the secondary use ...

The direct disease burden of COVID-19 in Belgium in 2020 and 2021

Burden of Disease Network consensus disease model for COVID-19 to estimate DALY s related to COVID-19. Estimates of person-years for (a) acute non-fatal disease states were calculated from a compartmental ...

Transforming Shiga toxin-producing surveillance through whole genome sequencing in food safety practices.

investigation and is not yet fully implemented in food safety surveillance across all European countries, in contrast to for example in the United States. METHODS: In this study, WGS was retrospectively applied ...

What does it take to create a European Health Data Space? International commitments and national realities

of building a health policy that could contribute to the long-term sustainable development of the European Union (EU), as stated in the European Health Union (EHU) manifesto. The main desire to create ...

Salmonella Durban meningitis: case report and genomics study.

male infant. The first clinical examination was reassuring, but after a few hours, his general state deteriorated. A blood test and a lumbar puncture were therefore performed. The cerebrospinal fluid ...

Scoping review of the association between bacterial vaginosis and emotional, sexual and social health

showing avoidance behavior. CONCLUSION: This review shows that symptomatic BV can be associated with diminished emotional, sexual, and social health, but there is too little evidence to state the extent of ...

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