Résultats de la recherche - 8 results

Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020

demonstrated based on f 1 and f 2 statistics. Finally a series of tests of microbiological contamination, residual solvents and heavy metals were carried out. The results showed that 35% of samples did not ...

Challenges in Chlamydial Serology: Insights from a Belgian and a Dutch Population Cohort.

(BE) with occupational or recreational exposure to chickens, representing a risk population for. The test indicated a statistically equivalent seroprevalence in both cohorts (39.10% in NL and 34.09% in ...

Methods for meta-analysis and meta-regression of binomial data: concepts and tutorial with Stata command metapreg

generic methods for meta-analysis of proportions based on the approximation to the normal distribution continue to dominate. Methods We developed metapreg, a tool with advanced statistical procedures to ...

Belgian general practitioners’ perception and use of physical activity on prescription

GP s between January and end of March 2023. The survey has 41 (ordinal or multiple choice) questions. Descriptive statistics were performed. Results 134 GP s completed the survey of which 56% were ...

A comparison of COVID-19 incidence rates across six European countries in 2021.

European countries: Belgium, England, France, Italy, Romania and Sweden. Data collected included: target testing populations, access to testing, case definitions, data entry and management and statistical ...

Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004-2019: A comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach

disability-adjusted life years (DALY s). This study presents a novel method to reallocate causes of death data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Causes of death data are provided by Statistics Belgium (Statbel). First, the ...

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