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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Simulation of total dietary iodine intake in Flemish preschool children.

added iodised household salt. Relevant data from 3-d estimated dietary records of 696 preschoolers 2·5-6·5 years old were used. Usual iodine intakes were calculated using the Iowa State University method. ...

A theoretical introduction to "combinatory SYBRGreen qPCR screening", a matrix-based approach for the detection of materials derived from genetically modified plants.

for each method. A theoretical explanation of the different concepts applied in CoSYPS analysis is given (GMO Universe, “Prime number tracing”, matrix/combinatory approach) and documented using the ...

Determination of acrylamide in food products using the LC-MS/MS technique

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Stéphanie Fraselle; University of Ghent Source: ACRYPOM Kick-off meeting, Issue UGhent (2004) Keywords: Acrylamide food ...

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