Résultats de la recherche - 13 results

Unlocking the genomic landscape: Results of the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) pilot in Belgium towards Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)

health, prevention options and treatment responses. The Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) project was kicked off in 2020 with the aim of building a federated network of genomic data in Europe, in which ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

aim to provide updated global and regional pooled overall, type-specific, and age-specific prevalence estimates of genital HPV infection in men. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and ...

Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior clinical performance for detection of human papillomavirus infection: assessment using the VALGENT framework.

Cervical Dysplasia Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: AIM: The Papilloplex high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) test (Genefirst, Oxford, UK) is a single tube real-time HPV test which provides multiplex ...

Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 2 on Triage, Treatment and Follow-up.

neoplasia (CIN) cervical precancerous condition HPV Abstract: EN AIMS Annual opportunistic screening for cervical carcinoma has been done in Germany since 1971. The creation of this S3 guideline meets an ...

Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact of interventions on cervical cancer in Australia

cervical cancer prevention. We aim to identify areas which can make the biggest further impact on cervical cancer burden. This protocol describes the first stage of a program of work called Pathways-Cervix ...

Validation of intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the Xpert HPV assay according to the international guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

Tests) and aims to determine whether the reproducibility of Xpert HPV is in line with international validation criteria. METHODS Validation of new hrHPV DNA assays requires demonstration of good ...

VALHUDES: A protocol for validation of human papillomavirus assays and collection devices for HPV testing on self-samples and urine samples

aims to compare the clinical sensitivity and specificity of particular hrHPV assay(s) on vaginal self-samples and first-void-urine, collected in agreement with standardized protocols, with hrHPV testing ...

HPV DNA, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16INK4a detection in head and neck cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Trottier, Helen Source: The Lancet Oncology, Volume 15, Issue 12 (2014) Keywords: HPV DNA meta-analyses neck cancer Abstract: BACKGROUND We aimed to provide updated information about the global estimates of ...

CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control

Comprehensive Cancer Control. The Guide aims to help to reduce not only the cancer burden throughout the EU but also the inequalities in cancer control and care that exist between Member states. The Guide is ...

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