Résultats de la recherche - 7 results

Potential impact fractions of body mass index reductions on the non-communicable disease burden in Belgium using G-computation

is therefore vital to reduce premature mortality from NCD s. This study aims to assess the relative contribution of overweight as a risk factor for NCD s and the potential health impact of four BMI ...

Adherence to '5-2-1-0' guidelines and multiple risky behaviours among adolescents in nine sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from Global School-based Student Health Survey 2012-2017.

called ‘5-2-1-0’, promotes healthy eating habits, physical activity and limited screen time among young people.This study aimed to assess adherence to the ‘5-2-1-0’ recommendations and to study multiple ...

A healthy lifestyle is positively associated with mental health and well-being and core markers in ageing

ideation. A lifestyle score integrating diet, physical activity, smoking status, alcohol consumption and BMI was created and validated. On a subset of 739 participants, leucocyte TL and mtDNAc were assessed ...

Estimating risk factor attributable burden – challenges and potential solutions when using the comparative risk assessment methodology

Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 80, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: burden of disease Comparative risk assessment Disability-Adjusted Life Years health impact assessment population health Abstract: ...

Variation in smoking attributable all-cause mortality across municipalities in Belgium, 2018: application of a Bayesian approach for small area estimations

Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA). Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) and Conditional Predictive Ordinate (CPO) were computed to assess model fit. Population attributable fractions (PAF) were ...

Potential impact of reduced tobacco use on life and health expectancies in Belgium

years (− 0.80/− 1.47). Conclusions Health impact assessment tools provide different scenarios for evidence-informed public health actions. New anti-smoking strategies or stricter enforcement of existing ...

Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Martina Otavova; Geert Molenberghs; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: p.54 (2018) Keywords: DISABILITY Disability-free life expectancy DYNAMO-HIA Healthy Life Years SMOKING smoking intervention unhealthy life years Abs ...

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