Résultats de la recherche - 384 results

Detection of genetically modified plant products by protein strip testing: An evaluation of real-life samples

was detected at low levels in seeds, seed/leaf powder and leaf tissue from genetically modified soy, maize or oilseed rape. A comparison between “protein strip test” (PST) and “polymerase chain ...

Detection of false negative Pap smears by rapid reviewing. A metaanalysis.

workload, it would yield, on average, 4.7 times fewer extra positives, 5.6 times fewer SIL and 7.9 times fewer high grade SIL in comparison with RR of all sides. CONCLUSION: RR of all smears initially ...

Prioritisation of food-borne parasites in Europe, 2016.

Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. We used the same multicriteria decision analysis approach as the FAO / WHO, for comparison of results, and a modified version, for better regional ...

How to report central line-associated bloodstream infections in surveillance? A comparison of three classifications in Belgium.

line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI). This hinders comparison of findings. In Belgium, registration of CLABSI in hospitals is legally required since 2014 for a minimum of one quarter a year, as part of ...

Comparison of Droplet Digital PCR and qPCR for the Quantification of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Bovine Feces.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bavo Verhaegen; De Reu, Koen; de Zutter, Lieven; Verstraete, Karen; Heyndrickx, Marc; Van Coillie, Els Source: Toxins (Basel), Volume 8, Issue 5 (2016) Keywords: Animals Cattle Feces Genes, Bacte ...

Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium

effect size and the timing varied. Conclusion: This study suggests that smoking yields major losses in terms of HLY and LE in Belgium. The comparisons of alternative scenarios with the “business-as-usual” ...

Assessing polypharmacy in the general older population: comparison of findings from a health survey and health insurance data

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Johan Van der Heyden; Françoise Renard; Finaba Berete; Jean Tafforeau; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: European Congress of Epidemiology, Lyon, France (2018) Keywords: chronic conditi ...

Comparison of the population attributable fraction, average attributable fraction and attribution method to assess the contribution of specific diseases to disability in cross-sectional studies

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Clémence Palazzo; Renata T.C. Yokota; Jean Tafforeau; Herman Van Oyen; Nusselder, Wilma Source: WEON 2017: Epidemiological Methods for Implementation Research, Antwerpen, Belgium (20 ...

Quantifying the burden of stillbirths before 28 weeks of completed gestational age in high-income countries: a population-based study of 19 European countries.

Gestational Age Humans Live Birth Population Surveillance Pregnancy Stillbirth Abstract: BACKGROUND: International comparisons of stillbirth allow assessment of variations in clinical practice to reduce ...

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