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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Exploring HIV-1 Transmission Dynamics by Combining Phylogenetic Analysis and Infection Timing

dynamics transmission networks Abstract: HIV-1 pol sequences obtained through baseline drug resistance testing of patients newly diagnosed between 2013 and 2017 were analyzed for genetic similarity. For 927 ...

Prevalence of drug use during sex amongst MSM in Europe: Results from a multi-site bio-behavioural survey.

(23.0%) reported using sexual performance enhancement drugs, 353 (8.4%) — party drugs, and 142 (3.4%) the use of chemsex drugs. Respondents who reported drug use were more frequently diagnosed with HIV ...

Risk factors for HCV acquisition among HIV-positive MSM in Belgium.

Case-control study among HIV-infected MSM, attending AIDS Reference Centers in Belgium. METHODS: Cases were HIV-infected MSM who were diagnosed with HCV between January 2010 and December 2013. For each case, ...

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